If you have the app downloaded on your phone, then you can pull it up and find instructional videos on how to treat certain injuries.

Of course, YouTube isn’t exactly a first aid app, but it can be a lifesaving resource in certain situations. It has instructions for how to deal with minor injuries and even emergency childbirth! It’ll teach you how to do CPR correctly and direct you to handle unexpected medical situations properly. This is another app that will provide you with a lot of general knowledge for emergency medical situations. There’s also a shortcut to call 911 built into the app just in case you’re unable to handle the situation on your own. The app can direct you on how to treat burns, minor injuries, allergic reactions, and more. The Red Cross has a first aid app with a wide range of information available. Always use your best judgment and leave treating others to professionals when possible. Keep in mind that if you use your training without certification, then you could be held liable if a stranger gets injured while you’re attempting to help them. However, if you want to have some basic knowledge of first aid and CPR practices, then there are some apps that can help you with that. The reason for this is that certification requires you to take in-person classes with an accredited institution and instructor. You can’t get your CPR/First aid certification through an app. Read on to discover whether you can receive reliable CPR/First Aid training through an app. But the long answer is that it’s complicated. Technology has immersed itself in every aspect of our lives, and there are tons of health apps available, so you may wonder if you can get the training you need through an app. Whatever the reason, it’s important to receive CPR/First Aid training from a reputable and accredited source. Maybe someone in your family is in poor health or you have a desire to be prepared for emergency medical situations when you’re out in public. There are a lot of reasons you might want to receive CPR/First Aid training.